In the past, gunpowder or nuclear power changed the nature of defence. Today, it is being changed by a new breakthrough technology. Although investing in it is high-risk, it also has a major potential impact, according to the European institutions. Slovak companies are also bringing globally unique systems to the market.

Coordination between the EU and NATO stalled at the end of the second decade of the new millennium. However, strategic cooperation, which was at the centre of debates mainly in the 1990s, is being talked about again. Both entities can build on their experience in combating hybrid threats in particular. But the potential is greater.

It has been opaque in implementing its military modernisation and is already cooperating with Russia militarily. However, it is mainly the lack of transparency or the use of disinformation that causes problems for the Alliance. Analysts point to the modernisation of the Chinese army, the increase in spending, but also to activities in the Arctic and Africa.

Defence spending by the countries represented in the European Defence Agency (EDA) will total €198 billion in 2020, five per cent more than in 2019.

The Strategic Compass is soon to become a fundamental document of the EU and its common defence. The EU wants a stronger mandate for its own missions and operations, better command, but also a rapid deployment force of five thousand troops.