The European Public Prosecutor's Office should be operational from the first of June. JURAJ NOVOCKÝ, the European prosecutor in Slovakia, will prosecute cases similar to the Cattleman case. In an interview, he talks about the complete political independence of the new office and the website through which they will collect complaints.

The initiative of the ambassadors in Slovakia to support the ratification of the Istanbul Convention in Slovakia through an open letter was not unique. The ambassadors acknowledge that the agenda promoting gender equality is becoming a priority in their foreign policy activities. But few countries dare to call it 'feminist diplomacy'.

The European Commission, which currently represents EU Member States in negotiations with Washington, perceives that the US approach to data protection has changed fundamentally. The EU hopes that it will be able to negotiate with the Americans similar rules to those it already has with Japan or is preparing with South Korea or the United Kingdom.

The pandemic highlighted even more clearly the problem Slovakia has with its own data. When asked about data policy, ministries mostly refer to the Ministry of Informatisation. However, it lacks clear competences. The forthcoming data law, which is facing hundreds of comments, could help.

Data from more than 533 million accounts of social network users, including phone numbers, emails, and marital status, was discovered on the web. One in five of the hacked accounts came from the EU. The most affected users were from Italy, France and Spain. Slovak, Romanian and Latvian accounts are unlikely to be among them.