EPA-EFE/Friedemann Vogel

Why does the rule of law failure in one EU member state pose a problem for the EU as a whole? What tools does the EU possess and what are their limits?

Ilustračný obrázok. [Ministerstvo obrany ČR]

Weakened own capacities, unwillingness to share them, huge national ambitions or non-military objectives. Those are the reasons, experts say, why V4 cooperates in defense sector so little. Compact ground and operational unit options, which Visegrad offers, were not utilized by the Visegrad countries even in the early phase of Common European Defense.

Ursula von der Leyen a Vladimír Putin. [EPA-EFE/Alexei Nikolsky/Sputnik/Kremeľ]

Ever since the illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014, relationship between the partners has dramatically changed. Nevertheless, European Union, encouraged by some of its member states, continues to come up with alternative ways, how to improve relations with Russia. 

Ilustračný obrázok [Pixabay]

EU and China trade products worth €1 billion daily. Despite trade between the blocs remains in the center of attention, recent years have seen a disruption in relations regarding fair treatment, transparency and, particularly, approach to human rights agenda.

Turecký prezident Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. [EPA-EFE/Stephanie Lecocq]

Although Turkey still is a candidate country for EU membership, negotiations have been halted sicen November 2016 and the EU budget, drawn up to last until 2027, does not include a pre-entry financial aid to Turkey.